Blackbeard Visits Year 2

Year 2 received a visit from Captain Blackbeard’s ghost and he told them all about his life and time as a pirate!

Super Science in Year 4

Year 4 are exploring electricity this half term!  This week, they created circuits to power lightbulbs, buzzers and motors. They were excited to discover how to get the fan spinning and power lights and sound-makers. We look forward to seeing where this learning journey will take us.

Stars of the Week

Check out our amazing Stars of the Week from Friday 13th of September. These children have worked hard and have been recognised for their efforts and demonstrating our school values. We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to each of them.

Welcome Back

A huge welcome back to school! We hope you all enjoyed the Summer Holidays. We have been looking forward to seeing your children’s smiling faces return. We are very excited to announce the launch of Class Dojo at Watling Park School this year and will be sending information home about it soon.

Year 2 SATS Presentation

This week, the Year 2 Teachers hosted a presentation for parents about the upcoming SATS for Year 2s. They offered information about what the SATS are, how to help at home and answered many questions that the parents had. If you were unable to attend the presentation, or would like a copy of the information shared, please click here.

Daffodil Breakfast

The hall is all set and ready for our first Reception and Key Stage 1 Daffodil Breakfast. We are so excited to welcome children into the hall for a yummy spring breakfast of boiled eggs and toast. A huge thank you must go to all who contributed daffodils, flowers and vases for this morning! Keep your eyes peeled for photos …

Red Nose Day

Today, we welcomed a sea of children with crazy hair and red clothes for Red Nose Day. Over the week, children have been making and collecting goods to sell in order to raise funds for Comic Relief. We raised £380.18 at event this afternoon and pleased to announce that Birch Class was the winner of the longest 10p line. We …

Book Week

The children (and staff) enjoyed an action-packed Book Week, spending time in other classrooms completing activities linked to traditional tales or variations of them. The work produced in every subject area was impressive. We were pleased to so many parents came to read with the children and to view the exhibition of their learning on the Friday. We hope you …

Fantastic Football – Year 3 Trust Tournament

Recently a team of Year 3 boys competed in our first BPET Trust-wide football tournament. Throughout the day, they played a number of games against other school teams from the Trust. We are so proud of our boys who showed fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork and played beautifully throughout the round-robin event!  

Year 1 Trip to London Aquarium

This week, Year 1 visited the London Aquarium as part of their Polar Bears or Penguins topic. They traveled on the Underground to Waterloo Station and walked to the Aquarium. The children were in awe as they passed through glass tunnels, watching fish and sharks swim above. They loved exploring life under the sea and found the Jellyfish extremely interesting. However, …