School Policies

We ensure that we have robust policies and procedures for all aspects of school life. School policies we are required to publish and which we think are most useful for parents, carers and visitors are held in this section. Contact the school office should the policy you are looking for not be available.

Bellevue Place Education Trust policies

The Bellevue Place Education Trust supports us with the work around policies, and therefore we adopt the below:

BPET – Accessibility Policy

BPET – Anti-Bullying Policy

BPET – Attendance Policy

BPET – Behaviour Policy

BPET – Charging and Remissions Policy

BPET – Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

BPET – Collection, Non-Collection and Missing Child Policy

BPET – Complaints Policy

BPET – Business Continuity Policy

BPET – Data Protection Policy

BPET – Employing Ex-offenders Policy

BPET – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

BPET – Educational Visits Policy

BPET – EYFS Policy

BPET – Exclusion Policy

BPET – First Aid Policy

BPET – Food Policy

BPET – Freedom of Information Policy

BPET – Health and Safety Policy

BPET – Information and Records Retention Policy

BPET – Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) and Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) Education Policy

BPET – Premises Management Policy

BPET – Parents and Carers Privacy Notice

BPET – Religious Education Policy

BPET – Remote Education Provision

BPET – Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy

BPET – Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (including for pupils with EHCPs)

BPET – Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy

BPET – Uniform Policy

BPET – Whistleblowing Policy

Our E-Safety / Online Policy is found within the Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.

School Policies and Documents

Accessibility Plan

Equality Information and Objectives

Curriculum Policy (including arrangements for pupils who speak English as an Additional Language)

Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSE) Policy

Intimate Care Policy

British Values Statement

Home-School Agreements 

Parent Code of Conduct Policy

Acceptable Use Policy for Parents / Carers

Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils within EYFS & KS1

Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils within KS2


Paper Copies: Parents and carers may request copies of any of our policies or any other information on the website in paper form free of charge. Please email: